Monday, February 25, 2008

"After The Storm"

16x12" oil on canvas


This is from last summer's annual trip to the Adirondacks. My husband and I enjoy kyaking together, it's very peaceful, and the kids can't find you. I not only enjoyed painting the clouds but I loved painting the water, too. I especially like how it came out around the boat area. The toughest was painting my husband's head. The actual size was roughly 1" so to get his likeness and stay loose was hard.


Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl,
Wow! This painting is beautiful! Is it just me, or are you jumping ahead by leaps and bounds in your confidence and interpretation of your subject matter? The water looks like it simply flowed out of the end of your brush, and the figure of your husband is just wonderful. And then there is the background of sky, clouds and land... so very well done. Congratulations on a beautiful painting that has certainly resonated with me! :-)

Cheryl McCarley said...

Wow! Thanks very much for your wonderful comment! It means a lot to me. I must say I really enjoyed painting the water the most!! And here I am thinking it didn't post as well as I would have liked. Thanks again, Joanne! :)

suezi said...

haven't been over here for awhile. is ure ahve missed alot!! your paintings are gorgeous!!! your detail is limitless!!
i love matthew's meet the master project. I think that might be my favorite one that they have ever done!
i will definitely be back more often so i don't miss as much!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy! Great subject and composition on this one. The figure came out really nice!

I'm glad to see you're painting clouds. The previous post of smooth rocks with one star is really terrific. Keep 'em coming!

See you on the 15th! : )

Gerald Schwartz said...

Well this is quite nice, Really feel the openness of the water and the man in this much space...Good mood with the choice coloring.

Cheryl McCarley said...

Thanks Gerald! This actually looks better in person, don't they all! I haven't painted in a while and I actually have a little time today. My parents are coming, need I say more...gardening, fixing home things, we're going to Maui in a week with them! Great subject matter for painting I am sure. I'll try to post one more painting before I go. :)

Randi said...

what a great painting and a great subject - isnt it amazing how much inspiration you get when you travel - leave your normal enviroment ?