A little trial of a dragonfly. It looks better in person, but that is usually the way paintings are. Might tweak later, but for now leaving him alone to just...hold on.
1 comment:
Patrick Hilliard
Looks like he is waiting out a storm, lightning flash lighting up his body and the wind blowing his wings.Cheryl this will be something to look at in the winter to help remember the warmer days.Thanks for sharing your art
Welcome to my blog-
The Painted Canvas!
I love color and I love to paint! I grew up in Massachusetts and have been in California going on 16 years. The down side of moving here was leaving family and friends. The upside was I got back into painting. I'm lucky to be able to paint daily. This blog is a way of journeling my progress. Please feel free to leave a comment about my works.
email me at thepaintedcanvas@cox.net
1 comment:
Looks like he is waiting out a storm, lightning flash lighting up his body and the wind blowing his wings.Cheryl this will be something to look at in the winter to help remember the warmer days.Thanks for sharing your art
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